I saw Ray on the public transit bus yesterday while on my way to the unemployment office. Darlene was not with him. It is the funniest thing we both had on the same kind of camouflage pants but his is red and mine is green . Ha Ha. I talked to him for a bit before I got off the bus at the unemployment office. I have not seen Lorenzo, my other male friend in a while. I,ve known Lorenzo since high school. He went to high school with my cousin. One of his cousins used to be married to Ray's sister.,whoever his cousin is. Anyway besides seeing Ray, my Monday night at home was boring. nothing was on TVLand except Designing Women. I am not too crazy about that show. Monday is usually my night to help out with the Inner City Children of the Inner City Church of Christ. I did not go because it was too cold. I said to my Mom I think I will wait till it warms up before going out and helping with the kids in the housing projects. I think I have a few pictures of the InnerCityKids including Rachel that helps out with the kids on Monday and Tuesday nights.

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