Today I worked at Winn Dixie in which I did a demo, that is a person who gives out those delicious samples. I gave out samples in cups of Sobe Life Water. It was a very good demo and I liked the manager in being very helpful in getting my demo table set up and looking for the demo kit, which was not there but by the blessing of the Lord, I was able to pay for the water and cups and napkins.Some people liked the water and some people said that it did not have that much of a taste. I am okay with negative comments because that is the person and his or her choice of what he or she likes.

Then after work I went to Sam's Club. They have a whole lot of stuff that you want to buy but it is just impossible because there is so much good food that a person wants to see and try. I I did buy a few interesting things though. I am really hungry I want to to watch this interesting movie on Lifetime cable channel about this lady who was her baby stolen by one of the home nurses. That home nurse looked kind of strange.
Trina, What company was suppose to send you this kit that you did not get?
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