Yesterday I did not go that many places except for the DollarTree that is right around the corner from where I live. I bought spray cleaner to help clean up. After I cleaned up and eat some shrimp,toast and soup a few hours later, I then worked on my fur scarf that will be attached to a fur hat. I believe it will be longer than 25 inches maybe 35 to 40 oh my goodness this project is going to take a while I definitely need patience. I made a similar scarf attached to a hat before
This was done last year, I still was kind of new to loom knitting. Anyway I watched something on 2020 that seemed very interesting. It was about a woman who was run over by a car by accident. Her mother accidentally bagged into her from behind the car. When I heard about all that she is going thru, she has to take a lot of medications to this day, I think about my accident from 2004. The guy hit me with his car and left the scene of the accident. As a result of the hit and run accident, I have a rod in my lower left leg. I thank God that it was not worse that I am not dealing with pain nor have to be on a lot of medicine nor paralyzed. I realized that I am blessed ,I know that I am blessed. I guess that's my testimony.

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