I don't have any pictures to post of my knitting, I am still working on the other slipper sock. I have gotten to the brim part. Hopefully I will be finished with it my the end of this week. I saw Ray and Darlene, the interracial couple I know quite well that lives in Montgomery. I have a picture of him
but not her,why did I take a picture of him, I don't know. One day I am going to take a picture of both of them together. It's kind of funny when I see the two of them together. Am I jealous,no way what do I have to jealous about. They were at the Intermodial bus transfer center transferring to another bus. When I saw them I figured out that is the couple whom the Lord put together because they are alike in certain ways.. I am praying and asking the Lord, is there the right mate out there for me? I keep asking him and I get no answer. I have prayed to the Lord in the past to send me somebody special and I have met guys who were nice enough to get know further but it was and is not now I guess the right time for me to have a mate because of me starting back to college. But to be honest, as being a human being I really don't know if this is the right time now or when I finish college. Only the Lord knows really when it is the right time.

Hi Trina,
I came across your blog through one of the Yahoo loom knitting groups - very nice projects! Don't get discouraged about not having a boyfriend. Take your time and wait to find the right guy - don't rush into anything. My youngest sister is 32, and is getting married next year to a great guy. She had a lot of relationships that didn't work out for whatever reason, but now she's with someone who really makes her happy. Be patient, and your time will come too.
Laura in Cleveland, OH
P.S. My husband and I are an interracial couple too (read the post about your friends) : )
Hi Laura do you have a loom knitting blog that I can look at?
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