I am typing in my blog on December 23,2007 at 10:18pm central time. What is on my mind right now, not that much of what I can think about to type in this blog at this moment. Oh yeah I've been for some strange reason having dreams about this guy at my church over and over this guy is Brandon my buddy. I pray to the Lord what these dreams mean and I don't get an answer. Lord what are you trying to tell me? The first time I started having dreams about Brandon was when he went into Coast Guard Basic Training two years ago. Maybe I need to pray a little bit more harder on what these dreams mean, the thing is I am afraid a little bit that the Lord will reveal to me what I might not like or might not like to hear then again I should not have fear but to pray with boldness. He is always staring at me for some strange reason.
I am not sure about his father because he is sick a lot but I like his momma. she is pretty cool. Well enough about that, I finished the first fur scarf that goes to fur scarf attached to a fur hat
It's about 29 inches. I am planning on going to AC and Moore tomorrow, Lord willing to buy 2 balls of this colored fur, so I can knit the other scarf. It may take me another week or two to finish the other scarf. I think I will look for me something to eat.

Merry Christmas!
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