Yesterday I bought a Serenity Loom from HobbyLobby.
Doesn't it look pretty. I got it for a good deal for $29.99

I just started looming on it a Opera Wrap. The the one thing that I have to get used to is it takes a good while before finishing something because the loom is so BIG. Lord please give me patience using this loom.
I have been looking for one of these looms for sometime now at a good price.
I have found out that they are only sold at the Hobby Lobby but they don't sell them online in anyway. Can you tell me what company makes them? maybe I can buy direct from the company or find a trust worthy person willing to purchase one and I can send them the money. I live in California and there are no Hobby Lobby's on the West Coast at all.
Address or Maker would be very helpful
God Bless
Hello, I can't find the actual company website to buy the Serenity Loom from. The company is not even named on the instructions nor the bag what the loom came in. But there is a loom similar on
it's called the Infinity Knitting Board. Email me back on what you are going to do in buying the Infinity Loom or not or if you can find a website to buy the Serenity Loom.
Thanks but I have seen that.
Price is an issue. So I will just have to wait till some else list one of the Serenity on ebay
Thanks again
Now that you've had your loom for a few weeks, are you still happy with it? Can you use it to knit double like on the Knifty Knitter Long Loom? I bought a wooden "S" loom on ebay and I am very disappointed. Even after hand sanding each peg the yarn still catches.
Thanks, Robbin
Would it be possible for you to coat the pegs with polyurethane to make them smoother so the yarn doesn't catch?
I know it's a little late but... The serenity loom is made by Provo Craft - and they don't sell anything on their site. Unfortunately, this is only available at hobby lobby which of course isn't on the east coast either. :( I am SOL as well.
Regarding my wooden "S" loom, I am going to try clear spray paint to coat the pegs to see if that will keep the yarn from catching. And if any one finds where to buy the serenity loom by Provo Craft let me know. Thanks -- Happy Looming
Robbin,I was lookning on the crafts, and I noticed that they have the Serenity
Loom for 29.99.I paid 14.99 for mine at HobbyLobby.Looks pretty just like mine.
Craft etc is the Hobby Lobby's website- this is new to their website though- thank you
Hey, I've been searching for info on the serenity loom. I tried to make the opera wrap. I've always used the knit stich on the knifty knitter circular loom and tried to wrap and then knit stitch on the serenity loom. My second row was always too tight and I'd have to cut the yarn out! The second time I tried, I wrapper the yarn as loose as possible too! I know it's the way I'm wrapping or something.
Did your opera wrap turn out?
The Serenity Loom doesn't make you feel so serene to start with, does it?!
LOL, No it sure doesn't. It has taken me 1 1/2 yrs to get about 10" done. But I do enjoy it, it looks cool.
i bought a bunch of serenity looms last year for my looming group and have a few left. The price is $34.88 plus shipping. If interested, just contact me at I only have a few left from that group but if you can't find them, be glad to send it if you have paypal - at least until they are gone.
Hi! I just bought the serenity loom tonight at hobby lobby. A tip about hobby lobby - in case you don't know - is that on their website you can print out a 40% off coupon for one item. I used it on the loom at got it for $17! I can't wait to try it out and see how it goes. Please keep us posted on your progress!
Hay guys!! Check e bay i just got a serenity loom off there im so excited to get it in the mail. but for those of us who dont have a hobby lobby that is one solution to getting your hands on one of theise really awsome looms. Im interested to know if the knifty knitter loom adapter will fit on it though. it seems to be the same shape and size distance.
Could you please post the instructions those patterns. I have googled for days now. No one has them anywhere. I bought my loom off ebay and they didnt include the patterns like it said they would be.
what is a knifty knitter adapter?
there is a vendor on ebay that not only has the serenity loom but really cool picks. i just got one of the custom picks and one of the "combo" sets with a yarn guide. i really like them both. much easier on the hand than the small pick that comes with looms. check it out.
what can you knit on this type of loom? I have never heard of it or seen it before. Thanks for sharing!
You can now shop online at Hobby Lobby. I just bought my Serentiy Loom that way...received it yesterday in the mail!! I can't wait to start looming!!!
I just got a serenity loom and am new to looming and knitting totally. Are there any books or instructions on how to get started with the Serenity Infinity Loom? Thanks
I just bought a serenity loom at Hobby Lobby today and was looking for a website for it for some ideas as the 2 xerox pages that came with it aren't enough to satisfy me. So disappointed I can't find it on the web.
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