Hello, I have not blogged in a while because I've been busy with school. I just started back to college two weeks ago. My major is Computer Information Systems. There is a whole lot of studying in trying to get that degree. I have Technical Writing, which is an online class,Microcomputer Applications,Basic Math and Computer Programming and Logic.If anybody who reads my blogs and are really good in writing computer programs, please let me know
thru my blog. I've been studying and studying and studying for my
quizzes in Technical Writing and Computer Programming and to be honest my head is tired. What is going on in my social life well I found out that Ray broke up with Darlene. Do I think they will get back together,maybe maybe not. This morning in Montgomery it snowed oh
goodie it looked so pretty

I am sleepy. I am still knitting on my projects. Have not knitted in a while because of studies. I am getting back into knitting my projects little by little
Your weather looks alot like mine does here in Lewiston Idaho. Found your blog by looking at Serenity Looms. Not sure how I found it but I have enjoyed reading it. Hope to make a new friend. Take Care & God Bless, Robbin
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