Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back to Blogging

I am back to my blogging.Can't blog from Trina's KnitaLand at my school anymore because of a filter what the school put in on the computers to keep the porn and viruses out.I can understand a filter to keep the students from looking at the bad stuff,but I can't even check my email unless it's Yahoo.I have three email with Yahoo,one with Care2 and the other one with GMX.I really have to rely on checking my email every day because that's where I get my Merchandising assignments.If I can't check my email daily then I can't choose the work I need to do and get PAID!.Trenholm needs to get a new filter where it won't be a hindrance on those students who don't even look at porn.Anyway besides that,I was able to do some loom knitting from the long blue loom.

I am Stocknite stitching a scarf and a hat.